Community Stakeholder's Meeting

Dear Community,

We believe in the power of collaboration to keep our community safe.  That's why we are excited to announce an important initiative to shape the future of fire protection for our community.

Join us for a Strategic Planning Session

This strategic planning session is a unique opportunity to bring together community stakeholders, firefighters, local officials and YOU to create a vision for a safer, more resilient ESD.

What to Expect:

Collaborative Brainstorming

Community Needs

Safety Priorities

Building a Foundation for the Future

As a resident of the ESD, your voice is essential in shaping the future of fire protection.  Whether you're a concerned citizen or local business owner, your insight can make a significant impact.

To help ensure we reach as many community members as possible, we will be hosting this session multiple times over the next 2 months. 

November 7

November 9

November 27

December 4

December 13

December 15

To ensure we have enough resources for everyone, please complete the attached form. 

Let's work together to build a safer, more prepared community!  Your participation in the strategic planning session will make a difference.

Follow the link to complete the registration process.

Community Stakeholder's Registration Form